The Our Future project will deliver recommendations for the design and development of an introductory training package intended to support the lived experience workforces in accessing crucial knowledge, skills, and practices essential to their roles.
As part of this project, we want to better understand the training and support needs of people as they start a new lived experience role. This includes:
Consumer and family/carer roles
Paid and volunteer roles, including lived experience representatives on committees or advisory groups
Roles in Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug sectors
A focus on your first lived experience role and the training that was or would’ve been beneficial to you in the first 12 months
If you would like to contribute your views to this project, please take the survey, or join in on one of our focus groups.
This project was funded by Mental Health Reform Victoria, and is in response to Recommendation 6* of the interim report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
This project is lead by the Self-Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC), and is a partnership between:
Athena Consumer Workforce Consulting
Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL)
Centre for Mental Health Nursing (CMHN)
Carer Lived Experience Workforce (CLEW)
Self-Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC)
The Bouverie Centre
Supported by the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), Tandem and the Satellite Foundation.
*Recommendation 6 can be found in Chapter 18 of the Royal Commission’s Interim Report, on pages 515-516 of the pdf.
Join a focus group
Take the survey

If you have any questions about the survey, focus groups or our work please contact:
SJ Haywood (Project Lead) at sj@livedexperienceworkforce.net
Rachael Matzka (Project Admin Support) at rmatzka@sharc.org.au
Thank you again for your time and contribution.